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Clean water and sanitation

Having access to clean drinking water is a basic human right.
Clean water and sanitation

Irene Akhter, student of class 9 and her schoolmates now have access to clean drinking water as well as proper sanitation facilities after we built water tanks and proper sanitation facilities near their school which is in Gazipur, Bangladesh.

Irene is one of the thousands of local people who now can have easy access to clean drinking water. After identifying the schools where there is scarcity of water and proper sanitation, we go there and make necessary arrangements for constructing water tanks and sanitation facilities. Till date, we have constructed 53 water tanks which will be benefiting 58,509 students. Water training is also provided to 5,300 students to get a better output of the overall situation. We have also constructed 30 girl’s sanitation facilities that would aid 15,332 female students which has reduced the dropout rates significantly which was a major issue in that area. We have made the second phase of installment for the operational expenses of 2 water treatment plants that would provide fresh drinking water for the destitute in areas with high salinity in the water source of Shaymnagar, Satkhira. In order to support emergency requirement of drinking water to mass population during disasters, Nestlé worked with Aquasure and IFRC and donated 25 units of Aquasure water treatment kits to the Chairman of Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS).

Having access to clean drinking water is a basic human right. It has various social, economic as well as health benefits. People now having clean drinking water are less prone to diseases like diarrhoea, cholera and other diseases spread by water. Proper sanitation facilities encourage students like Irene to attend school and dream for a better tomorrow.

Water and sanitation is one the most primary human rights and Nestlé Bangladesh Limited is working round the clock to make a greater number of people having easy access by investing a lot in infrastructures in the country. We respect the human right to water and sanitation, and are helping to facilitate the sustainable management of water catchments where we source our goods, where our factories are located, and where our suppliers and consumers live.

As a company we are focusing on responsible use of water and encourage others to do so.