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Nutrition education

Our commitment: Empower parents, caregivers and teachers to foster healthy behaviours in children


Our commitment: Empower parents, caregivers and teachers to foster healthy behaviours in children


Good nutrition and feeding practices during the first 1000 days of life, from conception to a child’s second birthday, lay the foundations for lifelong health and well-being. It is therefore important for mothers to establish healthy eating habits for themselves and their children.


Our objective in 2016

Ongoing: Provide nutrition education for parents and caregivers on the importance of the first 1000 days of life (from conception to the child’s second birthday), including maternal nutrition during pregnancy and promoting breastfeeding as the best start in life.

Our progress to date

We aim to foster healthy behaviours in children and families through three programmes, each with a specific focus. While these have the same broad objectives, each differs in size, scope and approach, and is delivered through different channels to target specific groups:

  • Nestlé Start Healthy Stay Healthy, which educates parents on the importance of nutrition in the first 1000 days of life;
  • Nestlé Healthy Kids Global Programme, dedicated to empowering teachers and children with nutrition education and promoting healthy lifestyles in the school environment; and
  • United for Healthier Kids, which encourages healthier behaviours in children through the engagement of parents and partners.

The Nestlé Start Healthy Stay Healthy First 1000 Days Nutrition programme is an engaging e-learning course, created by nutrition scientists and based on the latest scientific findings and public health data. It helps mothers understand what to feed, how to feed and why the first 1000 days are crucial to their baby’s future health. By the end of 2016, the programme was live in more than 40 markets and had reached 55 million people through media.

Our Nestlé Healthy Kids Global Programme helps children and adolescents balance good nutrition and healthy hydration with an active lifestyle. Through their teachers, they learn the basics of nutrition, and gain practical advice on good eating and drinking habits. The programme’s framework is flexible, enabling schools to tailor it to the specific health and nutritional needs of their communities. With new programmes established in Gabon and Palestinian territories, we are now active in 84 countries.


Nestlé Healthy Kids Global Programme


We have also established United for Healthier Kids, a pioneering, comprehensive, science-based programme with a social media core. Through engagement with local public and private partners, it intends to provide parents of children under 12 years with new tools to inspire and enable behavioural change. Over the last two years, United for Healthier Kids has reached more than 170 million parents and is now active in 10 countries.


Our objectives towards 2020

By 2018: Maintain existing Nestlé Healthy Kids global programmes, while measuring their impact on children based on five globally defined goals: eat nutritious and diverse meals; manage portions; choose water; play and be active; and maintain good hygiene habits.

By 2020: Support 50 million children through our nutrition education and behaviour change programmes; an important milestone towards our wider 2030 ambition.


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