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Spicy Chicken Fried Rice with MAGGI Fried Rice Seasoning

Spicy Chicken Fried Rice with MAGGI Fried Rice Seasoning

Preparation Process:

  1. Heat oil in a pan and fry the chicken breast and mushrooms.
  2. Now, fry onions and garlic, then add carrots and stir. Once fried, add boiled rice, white pepper, MAGGI Fried Rice Seasoning Mix, and salt.
  3. Once cooked, garnish with spring onion leaves and chopped red chili before serving.

(Serving: 5 persons)

Ingredients Quantity
MAGGI Fried Rice Seasoning Mix 1 Packet
Nazirshail Rice 2 Cups
Mushrooms ⅓ Cup
Onion Leaves ¼ Cup
Carrot ¼ Cup
Chicken Breast Slices ¼ Cup
Cloves of Garlic (Small Pieces) 1 Teaspoons
Red Chilies (Chopped) 2 Pieces
Onion (Chopped) 2 Tablespoons
White Pepper ¼ teaspoon
Oil 2 Table-spoons
Salt To Taste