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What ingredients are used for making NESTLÉ KOKO KRUNCH?

NESTLÉ KOKO KRUNCH is made with the goodness of whole grain which contains fiber. It also provides Wheat, Flour, Sugar, Cocoa Powder, Vitamins, and Minerals etc. The ingredient details can also be found on the side panel of the product pack.

What is the standard method of preparation of NESTLÉ KOKO KRUNCH?

NESTLÉ KOKO KRUNCH is a breakfast cereal. It should be taken with room-temperature milk. For single serve you can take 30g of NESTLÉ KOKO KRUNCH with 125ml lukewarm milk. For cold serve you can prepare the milk earlier and fridge it for a while before adding with NESTLÉ KOKO KRUNCH. The method of preparation is also communicated on the pack.

How many times can I feed NESTLÉ KOKO KRUNCH to my baby?

You can give your child your child two serves of NESTLÉ KOKO KRUNCH a day along with variety of foods to provide a balance meal. Two serves of NESTLÉ KOKO KRUNCH will provide a child around 400 kcal of energy for his/her daily requirement.

What is the Health benefit of NESTLÉ KOKO KRUNCH?

NESTLÉ KOKO KRUNCH is made of whole grain that can provide growing kids with goodness of fiber. It is a source for Iron and Vitamin B2, B3, B6 & B9 –which helps in strengthening the immune system and in being active. It is also a source for Calcium which is an important component in normal growth and development of bone in children.

To perform well thorughout the day in school, kids may have a healthy bowl of NESTLÉ KOKO KRUNCH as breakfast. From one serving, a child can get 312.8 mg Calcium which is on average 31% of Calcium serving of a day. Also it provides 4.3 mg Iron which is 43% of Iron serving of a day.


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