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Nestlé Bangladesh PLC Celebrates International Chef’s Day

For the First Time in Bangladesh, Nestlé Bangladesh PLC Celebrates International Chef’s Day with the Chef community!
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Dhaka, Bangladesh

With the proposition - “Safe Ingredient for Safe Food”, NESTLÉ Professional Bangladesh – the out of home business wing of Nestlé Bangladesh PLC – has celebrated International Chef’s Day on 20th October, 2019 in collaboration with International Culinary Institute, Dhaka.

The occasion was celebrated in the presence of 150+ upcoming & top chefs who are transforming the Out-of-Home food consumption landscape in Bangladesh. Nestlé Bangladesh PLC also used this iconic day to recognize the chefs’ contribution to the Out-of-Home industry in Bangladesh. Simultaneously two new products – MAGGI Chicken Stock Powder and MAGGI Coconut Milk Powder – were launched in the presence of chief guest Mr Deepal Abeywickrema, (Managing Director of Nestlé Bangladesh PLC), Celebrity Master Chef Daniel C. Gomez, Mr Namit Mishra (Finance & Control Director- Nestlé Bangladesh PLC), Mr Naquib Khan (Corporate Affairs Director, Nestlé Bangladesh PLC) and Mr Shammi Rubayet, (Head of Marketing Services & Communication, Nestlé Bangladesh PLC).
The Chef fraternity highly appreciated Nestlé Bangladesh PLC’s initiative in recognizing their effort, which was done for the first time in Bangladesh in such a grand scale. The Chef community closed the grand event with a commitment to ensure safe food with safe ingredients in line with the Nestlé corporate policy.