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Lemon Muffin


Method of preparation

Serving Size for Adults: 4


  1. Beat the sugar and butter with an electric beater. Add the eggs and mix again.
  2. Now put together NIDO Fortigrow, baking powder, vanilla essence and flour and mix it well.
  3. Add the lemon zest with the previous mixture. Place 1 tablespoon of the batter on a muffin sheet and bake in an oven for 10 minutes at 1600 C.

Grocery List

  1. 2 tablespoons NIDO Fortigrow
  2. 1 tablespoon butter (melted)
  3. ½ cup flour
  4. ½ teaspoon baking powder
  5. 2 eggs
  6. ½ cup sugar
  7. ½ teaspoon vanilla essence
  8. 1 teaspoon lemon zest

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