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Dry Fruits Bread with NIDO

Dry Fruits Bread with NIDO

Preparation Process:

  1. First, boil the water and eggs together.
  2. Add flour, NIDO, sugar, 2 teaspoons of butter, yeast, and salt to create a dry mix.
  3. Make a hard dough with a little water, marmalade, raisins, nuts, and mix the rest of the butter 3 times. Cover it with a lid for 20 minutes.
  4. Now, make a large bread in a tray of the electric oven and bake it for 20 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius. Serve the Dry Fruits Bread with NIDO.

(Serving: 10 persons)

Ingredients Quantity
NIDO ½ Cup
Flour 2 Cups
Sugar ¼ Cup
Butter ¼ Cup
Yeast 1 Tablespoon
Eggs 1
Raisins 1 Tablespoon
Marmalade 2 Tablespoon
Almond (Crushed) 2 Tablespoon
Salt To Taste
Water 1 Cup