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Do you have any Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities from Nestlé?

Nestlé is committed to positively impacting Individuals and Families, Communities and the Planet as a socially responsible company across the world. In alignment with this commitment, we focus on three pillars for creating shared value - nutrition, water and rural development.

Nestlé promotes nutrition education and physical activities among school children in rural areas through the Nestlé Healthy Kids (NHK) program and the Knowledge Sharing (KNHK) program. We have also set up purified drinking water tanks and sanitation facilities for girls in village schools to support the continued education of children.

Our other initiatives include partnering with local NGOs to train farmers, implementing a program called “Amra Korbo Joy” to enhance the livelihood of street vendors and organizing a series of nutrition training programs for women on nutrition and traditional birth attendance. For Nestlé, the commitment to Creating Shared Value, Sustainability and Compliance is non-negotiable. .



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