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Our infant cereal recipes are compliant with local standards

Dhaka, 8th May 2024

In response to the recent media stories about added sugars in our infant cereals, we would like to assure you that the level of added sugars in our infant cereal recipes is compliant with local standards (BSTI and other local regulations) and CODEX standards (a commission established by WHO and FAO). 
These regulations and standards ensure the safety and quality of the products, including specifications for nutrient content, labeling requirements, and permissible ingredients and thresholds on carbohydrate content including added sugars. Formulation of CERELAC in Bangladesh follows both Global Nestlé internal standards and Bangladesh regulations. 
We uphold the same standard all around the world when it comes to the best possible nutrition in early life. To be clear, there is no double standard. Globally, our range of cereals for infants and young children are available with and without added sugars in many parts of the world – in Europe as well as in markets in Asia, Latin America, and North America.  
Slight variations in recipes across countries depend on several factors, including regulations, the availability of local ingredients etc.  

Nestlé Bangladesh is committed to delivering the best nutrition to our consumers, which we have been doing for over 30 years, and we will always maintain the highest standards of nutrition, quality, and safety in our products.


About Nestlé Bangladesh:
Nestlé Bangladesh PLC is 100% owned by Nestlé, a Switzerland company, operating in Bangladesh for over 30 years with one manufacturing unit.